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Online Workshop - The Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia


Updated: Jan 8, 2019

The Second World War Research Group is pleased to announce its first online workshop. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, 18th December 2018, at 18:00 (GMT+1) at the University of Zagreb.

The central topic of this event is 'the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia and modern negationism.'

The workshop will be live-streamed of the workshop via our YouTube Channel here.

You can find a direct link to the future stream here.

Marshal Tito stands with his Cabinet Ministers and Supreme Staff at his mountain headquarters in Yugoslavia on 14 May 1944. (Source: © IWM (NA 15129))


18:00-19:15 - Dr Goran Hutinec (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb), ‘Camp System and the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia’

19:15- 20:30 - Professor Dubravka Stojanović (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade), ‘Jasenovac Camp in Serbian historiography’

20:30-21:00 - Vukašin Zorić (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade), ‘Negationism in Modern Serbian Society’

21:00-21:30 - Jurica Barić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb), ‘Negationism in Modern Croatian Society’

Global Start Times:

18:00 (GMT+1) Zagreb, Belgrade

17:00 (GMT) London

12:00 (GMT-5) USA East coast (New York)

09:00 (GMT-8) USA West coast (Seattle, San Francisco)

02:00 (GMT+8) Australia (19 December)

We apologise in advance for any technical issues that might cause a delay of the live stream.


Jurica Barić (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)

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