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A Brief Global History of World War II

In this recording, Professor Andre Buchanan of the University of Vermont discusses 'A Brief Global History of World War II' at a Second World War Research Group seminar at the Joint Services Command and Staff College on 22 January 2019.

Andy Buchanan graduated with a BA in Modern History in 1980 from Balliol College, Oxford University. After graduation, he pursued a rather unconventional course, working on the London buses and then training to become a skilled machinist. After moving to the United States in 1992, he spent several years helping to design and manufacture artificial hearts in New York City. Buchanan completed his MA (2005) and PhD (2011) at Rutgers University, New Jersey and  began teaching at the University of Vermont in 2007.

A specialist in Global and Military history, he taught previously at Rutgers University and in the SUNY system. Buchanan has published several articles on World War II in the Journal of Contemporary History, Diplomacy and Statecraft, Journal of Transatlantic Studies, and Global War Studies. He has also contributed book chapters on the American military in World War II and on the military and social history of the Champlain Valley. 

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